Our gourmet focacce
The history of the Atelier has a long family tradition that began in 1926 and has now reached the fourth generation of master pizza makers.
The idea of creating something different came to grandma Roberta who, almost a century ago, decided to reinvent the concept of pizza. She thus abandons the traditional rules and uses of the “pizzeria” as we all know it, to create something innovative but which does not give up the fundamental value of the best Italian food, simplicity.
It is precisely from this desire to place the maximum exaltation of the raw material at the center of each recipe that the Atelier is born.
A focaccia made up of two very thin layers of dough that contain the most creative fillings. Where every smallest component is essential for a balance and harmony of flavors that still today, after 96 years from the intuition of grandmother Roberta, amazes and captures all palates.
Now in its fourth generation of master pizza makers.